The Analysis of Overflow Occurrences in Fuel Oil Purifiers at MV Dahlia Merah

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Moch Va’is Lazuardi Eka Darmana Budi Purnomo Victor Wiku Widyo Bharoto


A purifier is needed to maintain fuel quality and support ship engine performance. A purifier is a device that is a separator for oil from water and dirt based on its specific gravity. This research aims to determine the causes and impact of overflow on the fuel oil purifier. The data collection method used in this study is the observation method and discussion method with the crew or employees of PT. Kayu Lapis Indonesia as the ship owner, and literature study methods. This research uses a qualitative analysis method, namely by directly analyzing the problems in the fuel oil purifier. The research results concluded that the cause of overflow in the fuel oil purifier was due to a dirty bowl caused by a lack of cleaning and maintenance of the Main Cylinder, damage or wear to the Main Seal Ring and a dead end of the nozzle. The efforts made to overcome overflow in the fuel oil purifier are by blowing up manually, carrying out cleaning (overhaul) of the purifier bowl and walls, checking the fuel pressure entering the FO purifier, setting the temperature on the fuel heater, installing Play the Seal Ring correctly, maintain the nozzle and maintain the HFO purifier by the PMS & Instruction manual book.


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