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Prasetya Sigit Santosa


Laboratory or workshop management as a process that directs the steps
of each workshop user to always comply with the rules or regulations
applicable in the workshop. Management in order to realize the common goal of
the workshop is always in a clean, tidy, maintained and maintained condition.
Laboratory management as a strategy to achieve laboratory objectives
through planning, organizing, mobilizing, using and monitoring all laboratory
resources to achieve goals optimally. Laboratory resources include: instructors,
tenants, facilities and infrastructure. Laboratory is a place of observation,
experiment, practice and testing of concept and technology. Each user of the
workshop should know and pay attention to it during the use of the workshop
or during the workshop. In order for it can be well conditioned it is necessary
to have a proper and clear workshop management. In order for the condition of
every tool that is in the workshop is always awake, besides the enactment of a
regulation then it should also be held maintenance maintenanceworkshop.
Keywords: Laboratory, Workshop


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